Why does my husky dog eat grass?

husky puppy eating grass
Husky puppy eating grass

A lot of people ask why does my husky dog eat grass? There are basically only 2 answers to this question.

    1. They eat grass to purge themselves.

2. They just want to eat the grass.

 It is normal for a dog to go out in the yard and eat grass on occasion in an attempt to make themselves throw up. We know that when a dog has a gastrointestinal upset stomach, bloating because they just ate something they should not have ate, or even dealing with a virus or bacterial infection, they will choose to consume a large amount of grass. When this happens they get frantic sitting by the door and sometimes bark to be let outside. They will start consuming grass as they aren’t picky what kind. Once they consume the grass they lick their lips and eventually start throwing up. Realize that all mammals throw up from time to time and this would be normal. Once a year or twice a year is completely normal. If your dog has exhibited this type of behavior it’s nothing to worry about as this is normal. They are just voiding out their system of something that is toxic or making them feel bad.

However, if your husky is exhibiting this behavior on a regular basis  you really need to re-evaluate your dogs diet. The food you give your dog is basically all that it consumes on a daily basis and something is definitely  wrong with your dogs diet. It may be a really good dog food and your dog may have been on it for years having no previous issues but if your dog is vomiting up food and grass on a constant basis you need to re-evaluate your dogs diet. It’s recommended that you switch brands, switch flavors or even switch protein sources. You will need to switch your dogs food out slowly especially if your dog has been on the same food for most of it’s life.

Another suggestion you should try is adding Probiotics and digestive enzymes to your dogs food. It’s important to note that Probiotics help raise the good bacteria in your dogs stomach while digestive enzymes helps to process your dogs food.  

Scenario 2 is you let your dog out the back door and it seems to be on a mission. He is specifically seeking out tall board leaf grasses to eat. These grasses usually grow next to a fence or sidewalk.  Your dog selectively bites certain grass with it’s front teeth. He eats the grass and then goes about his business. This is entirely different than the first scenario. Your dog in this case is eating the grass because it wants to eat grass, plan and simple. This is a normal behavior as all dogs, wolves and other mammals with do this.

 There is no need to prevent your dog from eating the grass unless you have treated the grass with pesticides or other chemicals the dog should not be ingesting. The grass your dog is seeking out will probably  have some nutritional value. We know grass contains fiber which your dog needs. Grass is a green living substance so it also contains potassium, chlorophyll, and grass also contains digestive enzymes as well. So your dog seeking out these grasses is good for it’s diet as long as those grasses are not treated with chemicals that could harm your dog. Also know that dogs that are bored or have been chained outside will seek out grass a lot of times to eat. So all in all it’s ok for huskies or other dogs to eat a little grass sometimes.



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