Snow’s New Husky Puppies Have Arrived!

We’re thrilled to share the wonderful news that our sweet girl Snow delivered her litter early this morning! She began having her puppies just after midnight and finished around 5 AM. Our proud papa, Nickolai, is the sire of this healthy bunch. We have four solid white boys and two beautiful sable girls—all super chubby, healthy, and already nursing well.

Right now, we’re making sure everything is perfect in the nursery: adding bumper rails, laying down fresh carpet, disinfecting the whelping area, and trimming/disinfecting the puppies’ navel cords to the right length. These first few days are crucial, so we’ll monitor everyone closely to ensure they’re eating properly and gaining weight.

A Note on Whelping Advice
We also want to share an important message for anyone considering breeding or whelping a litter of puppies: don’t rely on random internet forums for critical advice.

Oxytocin Use: Many people don’t understand how or why to properly use oxytocin to help the mother expel any remaining afterbirth and prevent infection.
Calcium Supplementation: Some suggest using products like Tums (which are not designed for rapid absorption during whelping) instead of using high-quality, fast-absorbing calcium supplements that actually help the dam’s system.
Sanitation & Care: Basic but essential tasks, like disinfecting navel cords to ward off infections that could jeopardize the entire litter, are often overlooked or mishandled by inexperienced individuals giving advice online.
If you find yourself asking strangers on forums how to whelp a litter, it’s a sign that you may need more direct, professional guidance—either from a veterinarian or a reputable, experienced mentor. Proper knowledge, preparation, and professional input are absolutely vital to ensure the health and safety of both mom and puppies.

We can’t wait to watch these little husky fluff balls grow! Stay tuned for more updates and adorable photos of Snow and her new puppies. As always, if you have any questions or want to send well wishes, drop a comment below. Thank you for following our journey!
Litter of husky puppies

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